In Geography, our curriculum ensures that children are able to develop contextual knowledge of the location of globally significant places and an understanding of their key human and physical features, how these are interdependent and how they facilitate spatial variation. It also provides pupils with many opportunities to build on prior learning and has a strong focus on basic skills, such as undertaking, gathering and analysing fieldwork data, interpreting maps, aerial photographs, atlases and globes, as well as communicating geographical information in a variety of ways, through maps, sketches and diagrams in addition to numerical and quantitative skills and writing at length.
Our curriculum also strives to offer wider opportunities and experiences through regular fieldwork and encourages pupils to enter geographically centred competitions, both within school and externally. Furthermore, our curriculum ensures that pupils have frequent opportunities to learn about their local area and have exposure to national and global awareness days (e.g. Earth Day and World Environment Day).
These opportunities promote children’s awareness of current geographical issues, such as sustainability, pollution, global warming and multiculturalism, to ensure that they are equipped with the knowledge, skills and understanding that they need to make a positive contribution to society.