The curriculum is based on the educational programmes in the EYFS statutory framework, Development Matters and the needs and interests of our children. We develop children’s spoken language across all seven areas of learning and development, supporting children to learn new vocabulary and language structures. Our carefully sequenced curriculum helps children to build and consolidate their learning across all seven areas and to make links between these. Planning is flexible and often driven by the children’s interests. Our environment enables and supports high quality play and learning both indoors and outdoors. Reading is at the heart of our EYFS curriculum; a love of reading is promoted through the use of high-quality core texts. Early reading is taught through the Jolly Phonics synthetic phonics programme. We adopt a mastery approach to the teaching of maths across our EYFS and Reception follow NCETM Mastering Number programme to ensure the children are well prepared for KS1. Our strong and respectful partnerships with parents and/or carers support children’s leaning and development within the EYFS. Early identification of SEND allows rapid support and interventions to be planned so that all children are able to make excellent progress from their starting points. Throughout the year we celebrate national days of importance and religious festivals.